Three secrets to make your M&A integration successful/ Drie geheimen die je M&A integratie succesvol maken

For the first time I spoke on a Linkedin Live event! Together with Andrea Petrone, we will share our observations about the market and some proven ways to make your next M&A post merger integration successful.

49,600 M&A deals failed last year.

Here’s the logic:

According to Pwc, we hit a new record of M&A deals globally in 2021: 62,000.
But according to many experts, the average failure rate is 80%.
If this is true, it’s too easy to fail.
But it’s never about strategy, commercial, or finance alone. It’s also about people.

In this first episode, we have discussed:

1. Why and how to assess culture before making any deal
2. The importance of choosing the right level of integration
3. The typical mistakes of the execution phase

#post merger integration